Biscoff Cupcakes

I've had a complete lack of posting, and to be honest baking, lately. We've had a bit of a crazy few months with family stuff, weddings, me going back to work and Sienna starting big school. So as always baking and my blog have had to take a back seat whilst we get back into the swing of our new 'normal'. 
After having a few weeks of doing nothing really baking wise, this weekend I went on a bit of a rampage in the kitchen. 

I originally really wanted to create a pumpkin spice cake, however after perusing the aisles of my local Tesco's yesterday I failed in finding pureed pumpkin which swiftly ground my plans to a halt. 

So on a complete whim, I purchased a tub of Lotus biscoff spread and a packet of the biscuits and decided that I would create something with these instead. Best impulsive decision ever.

Whilst making them I had my mother in law over who was sampling the buttercream for me, she tried the buttercream at several stages and really loved it. Mr W (another brutally honest critic of mine) text me this morning along the lines of 'Oh my God, the lotus cakes, best thing I've had in a while, it works'. So hallelujah its not just my taste buds that have fallen in love with them. 

The pumpkin spice can wait.. for now. 


Ells x

For the cakes
- 7oz Caster Sugar
- 7oz Stork, Softened
- 2 Eggs
-7oz Self Raising Flour
- 1 Tsp Vanilla Extract
- 1 Dessert Spoon Milk

For the Buttercream 
- 12oz Icing Sugar
- 6oz Unsalted Butter, Softened
- 1 Tub Biscoff Spread
- 1 Dessert Spoon Milk

Pre heat the oven to 160c

You will need a muffin tin lined with 12 muffin cases and a piping bag and nozzle (I used a medium star nozzle) again if you don'y have these you can spread the icing on with a knife :) 

Cream the butter and stork until they are light and fluffy, slowly add the eggs and mix until combined (if it starts to curdle add a small amount of the flour). Slowly beat in the flour and mix until smooth. Add the vanilla and splash of milk until well combined.

Using a ice cream scoop, divide the mixture evenly between the 12 cases. Bake in the middle of the oven for 20-25 minutes. 

Once cooked remove from the oven and allow to cool. 

Whilst the cupcakes are cooling, cream the icing sugar and butter together in a bowl until smooth. Add 3/4 of the jar of biscoff spread and mix until well combined. Depending on how stiff the mixture is, add a splash of milk to loosen it up (it should soft enough to pipe).

Now take the cupcakes and spread a layer of the biscoff spread on the top, then pipe the buttercream on top. Decorate with a sprinkle of crumb and a biscoff biscuit. 


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